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1. Login to the Linux box using the root account

2. Create a user account as follows which will be used for samba login.

Useradd sambauser

3. Specify a password for the created user by using the following command

Passwd sambauser

4. Create a folder on the home directory which will be used as the samba share as follows

Mkdir /home/share

5. Move to the /etc/samba folder by using the following command

Cd /etc/samba

6. Edit the smb.conf file 

7. Add the following to the [Global] section of the file. It

workgroup = HOME
netbios name = MARS
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
log level = 3
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/private/smbpasswd

8. Add something as follows for all the available samba shares which are created in the server. Following is an example for enabling samba to the folder which we created on Step 4


comment = Samba Share
path = /home/share
valid users = sambauser
public = yes
writable = yes

9. Add the user which was created on Step 2 to samba user list by using the following command

Smbpasswd sambauser

10. This will require the user to enter the password for the above user.

11. Restart the samba service by using the following command

Service samba restart

12. To start automatically on system start up execute the following command

Chkconfig samba -–levels 345 on


13. Type the Netbios name of the samba server on windows explorer’s Address as follows

14. When prompted to enter the user name and password to connect as follows enter the specified username and password in the samba server and click OK.

15. Your share on the Samba server will be shown as follows.

16. Now you can create, copy and delete files to and from the samba share