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1. Check Squid is installed with the initial setup process by using the following command

rpm -qa squid

2. If the output of this is similar to the following proceed to step 5

3. Otherwise copy the RPM from RED HAT LINUX CD 3 to the hard disk

4. Install the rpm as follows

rpm –ivh squid-2.5-i386.rpm

5. Edit the squid.conf file located in /etc as follows

Pico squid.conf

6. Make the following changes

• http_port 8080
• httpd_accel_host virtual
• httpd_accel_port 80
• httpd_accel_with_proxy on
• httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
• cache_mgr
• acl all src
• acl manager proto cache_object
• http_access allow all
• cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/cache 1000 16 256
• cache_mem 32

7. Save the file by pressing CTRL + X and by Yes

8. Make the cache with the following command

/usr/local/squid/squid –z

9. restart the squid service as follows

service squid start

10. Configure to start squid with system boot automatically

Chkconfig –-levels 345 squid on

11. Configure the browser settings as follows and connect to the squid proxy

• Proxy IP address – IP address of the proxy server

• Proxy port - 8080


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