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1. To reset a switch

unconfig switch all

2. To create an user account

Create account admin|user <username> <password>

3. Delete an user account

delete account admin|user <username> <password>

4. Changing account password

Config account <username><password>

5. To view the accounts

Show accounts

6. To enable telnet

Enable telnet

7. View the switch config file

Show switch

8. To view the management details

Show management


9. download bootrom|configurationfile|image <ip address>

10. upload bootrom|configurationfile|image <ip address> <filename> <primary| secondary>

11. To boot a switch from a secondary image

Use image seconadary

SNMP Commands

12. To enable SNMP access

Enable snmp access

13. To configure a SNMP listner

Config snmp add trapreceiver <IPADDRESS> community <string>

14. To specify a name to the switch

Config snmp sysname <NAME>

Other SNMP Commands

15. enable snmp

16. Configure snmp community <readonly|readwrite>

17. config snmp syscontact <String>

18. config snmp syslocation <String>


19. To view the event/error log

Show log

20. To enable logging

Enable log display


21. enable | disable port <portnumber>


Upto 4096 Vlan’s can be created on a single switch

22. To create a VLAN

Create vlan <vlan name>

23. Assign an IP address to the VLAN

Config vlan <vlanname> ipaddress <x.x.x.x>/prefix

24. Assign ports to VLAN

Config vlan <vlanname> add ports x,y,a-c

Note – IP address of the VLAN will be the default gateway of all the workstations in the VLAN

25. To view the details of the VLAN’s

Show vlan <vlanname>
Show vlan det

Configure VLAN tagging

This is only needed if one VLAN is distributed amount two switches and both switches are connected through a trunk.

26. To add a tag to the VLAN

Configure vlan <vlanname> tag <name of the tag>

27. To specify the Trunking (Tag Ports)

Configure vlan <vlanname> add ports <portnumber> tagged

This <portnumber> which you specify will be used as the uplink port for that specific VLAN



28. To enable RIP on VLAN’s

Config rip add vlan <vlanname> | all

29. To enable the RIP process on the switch

Enable rip

30. To remove a VLAN from the RIP process

Config rip delete vlan <vlanname> | all

31. To specify the time between rip updates

Config rip updatetime <Time>

32. To specify the costing for RIP

Config rip vlan <vlanname|all> cost <number>

33. To view RIP details

Show rip detail
Show rip stat

34. To view the routing table of the switch

Show ip route

35. To view IP configuration details

Show ip configuration


Once routing is enabled IP forwading must be enabled for inter VLAN communication

36. To enable IP forwarding

Enable ip forwarding


37. Configure qosprofile <qosname> minimumbandwidth <percentage> maximumbandwidth <percentage> priority <value> buffer <percentage> <portnumber>

38. Display QOS profile

show qos profile

39. To view the ports with QOS

show ports info details


40. To create an STP domain

Create stpd <STPNAME>

A default STP as “S0”is created

41. To add a vlan to a STP domain

config stpd <stpdname> add vlan <vlanname>

42. To specify the hello interval of the STP

Config stpd <stpname> hellotime <value>

43. To enable/disable STP

Enable stpd <stpdname>
Disable stpd