Welcome !!!!
While spending my X Mas holidays it reminded me of my ancient website which was literally untouched for 5 years. So I thought of giving it an overhaul and make it more meaningful. This time I did not bother Ruki or Jogen for any graphics but decided to have my own!!!
Few years ago when I got this great idea to have my own website it included only technical jargon which prevented the site getting "Added to favourites" by many.After the years, the social and professional grooming have pushed me to think in a different direction and now I am planning to include what I learned and think would be of any interest to others through this space. This doesnt mean that I will takeoff "VI" command refference away or will start a blog of what happened to me during the day but will present my social and professional encounters in a different dicipline.
Humans learning process is spanned across their life time and after few more years don't be amazed if I include Latin American dancing steps in here. So keep tuned...Juniper to Cisco IPSEC VPN's
IPsec VPN's are widely used in SOHO and large enterprises and the configuration is a piece of cake for many network engineers. But things will start to rumble peoples stomach's when the so called easy steps aren't bringing up the VPN tunnel. Things would get really worse if the VPN tunnel is accross different platforms and troubleshooting becomes an experts job. After seeing few challenges as above at my workplace I decided to publish the following article which describes the necessary steps to create an IPsec VPN tunnel between a Cisco Router and a Juniper firewall device. Eventhough Cisco and Juniper are market leaders in the VPN arena has less documentation on their interoperatability. Hope this will ease the rumbling!